Category: blog

Here’s why researching hashtags is required

Yikes! This is why you CHECK any hashtags before using them: you don’t want to accidentally include something the platform bans.

I got this message when checking some hashtags for a new client (which I *always* do). There’s no way they would have intended to associate with anything related to child sexual abuse, but … they did.

(And I still have no idea how this hashtag has anything to do with it, but I plead ignorance.)

Want me to make sure you steer clear of problems like this? Check out my services page for how I work with clients or schedule a free complimentary consultation.

Overcome the 3 Most Common Mistakes Made on Social Media on Aug. 9

Overcome the 3 Most Common Mistakes Made on Social Media on Aug. 9

I’ll be teaching the 3 most common mistakes people make on social media and how to fix them. Making these changes will instantly make your marketing efforts more effective — helping you reach more people — all while being less stressful for you.