One of my clients asked how important it was to post when the platform tells you that your audience is active.
Tag: social media strategy
New & improved social media training program opening soon
End the confusion and frustration around social media with my new & improved group training program!
You’re invited to my new social media training program!
Find what’s included here!
What platforms should I be on?
One question a lot of people ask about social media is how to choose the right platform for them. Facebook vs. LinkedIn vs. Instagram … but TikTik is growing SO fast …
Overcome the 3 Most Common Mistakes Made on Social Media on Aug. 9
I’ll be teaching the 3 most common mistakes people make on social media and how to fix them. Making these changes will instantly make your marketing efforts more effective — helping you reach more people — all while being less stressful for you.
Announcement: Join My Group Training Program!
Want to make social media work better for you? Learn how to market your own business in an easy, fun way!
How often should you post on social media?
How often is the RIGHT number of times to post on social media?
How do I know if social media is working?
After spending a ton of time making posts for your business on social media,
have you ever wondered if this even works?
Is looking at metrics worth the time?
Looking at metrics regularly ALWAYS helps me find out what isn’t working on social media so we can do better.
What’s the difference between a testimonial and case study?
Do you know what’s way better than you talking about how good you are at what you do? Getting other people to talk about how good you are at what you do! Use testimonials and case studies to do that.