
We all need a little inspiration, sometimes.

We all need a little inspiration, sometimes.

I’ve always loved inspirational quotes, I suppose pretty much all the way back to when I started reading. I still have a hand-written list of quotes I liked that probably dates from my adolescent years, based on my handwriting. Actually, as it grew, I then copied it before I left for college — it’s the copy I have).

I find it helpful when someone has crystallized an idea around something I’m struggling with, especially when it’s about limiting beliefs, our purpose in the world, changing habits or pushing on when things get hard.

It’s a big piece of how I’ve built my social media marketing business, which I’m proud of.

So here are some gems when it comes to inspirational quotes. I hope they hit you at a time when it’s what you need to hear.

Feel free to pass them along, too. And if you want more of this, follow me on social media!

Bust the 3 Biggest Myths about Social Media on Aug. 31

Bust the 3 Biggest Myths about Social Media on Aug. 31

Do you feel like social media is a waste of time for your business?
What I’ve found is a lot of small business owners have beliefs rooted in misconceptions about what it takes for social media to be successful to a small business.
Come learn what these big myths are … and why they’re wrong.