What’s the difference between a testimonial and case study?

Do you know what’s way better than you talking about how good you are at what you do? Getting other people to talk about how good you are at what you do!

A testimonial works better not just on social media but also on your website, in your blog and for email marketing. And they’re gold for sales conversations. Customers and clients will find it more believable!

You want your testimonial to help someone reading it (or seeing it, if video) to be able to see themselves in it — the same kinds of problems they have, and the kinds of solutions they dream of.

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Now, how’s a case study different from a testimonial?

Certainly, make the effort to get testimonials and reviews from clients. But for those times when you can’t, a close second is SHOWING that you’re awesome — that you get results.

That’s where case studies come in. A case study is often something that would be a great testimonial but the client didn’t give it to you. A campaign or project that knocked it out of the park. A jaw-dropping transformation but the client only said something vague like “hey, I love it, thanks!”

So it’s 100% OK to tell that story yourself. That’s a case study.

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Explain where you started — what things were like before working with you or before the project.

Explain what you did and a little of the thinking behind it.

Show the results, with numbers if possible: revenue raised, donations received, pounds lost, grades raised, money saved, hours saved … you get the idea.

Want to get help pulling all this together so you help build trust that you’re great at what you do? Send me a message here!