
A Manifesto on Why I Do What I Do

A Manifesto on Why I Do What I Do

It’s about time I introduce myself to those who may not know me well yet.

I’ve got a lot I want to share with the world. I’ve got a lot I want to teach others about what I’ve learned so I can HELP THEM GROW and, by doing that, make the world a better place in my own way.

5 Important Steps to Getting Branded Photos You Love

5 Important Steps to Getting Branded Photos You Love

I’m sure you’ve noticed that influencers in your field often have pictures of themselves on social media. And they look beautiful. Those are branded photos.

To help you figure out what to look for, I asked a few photographers, brand designers and brand photographers for their top tips.

Here’s How Often Typos & Grammatical Errors Cost Businesses Money

Here’s How Often Typos & Grammatical Errors Cost Businesses Money

Mistakes disappointed consumers, made them question the quality of the company’s product or service, and in some cases, raised the question of whether a business is legitimate or the email is spam.

Here’s how many people said they’re less likely to buy products or services from the offending business.