How much video to you use as part of your social media marketing?

How much video to you use as part of your social media marketing?

I’m sure you’ve heard a thousand times that video is more powerful – that the algorithm favors it and that our brains favor it. There are so many statistics showing how much video increases traffic and sales, and that people are more convinced to buy a product or service after watching a video.

My client just had an experience that illustrates this really well. 

Ever since we started working together, I’ve recommended he include videos at least once a week. He’s said OK but never made one (and he doesn’t live near me so I can’t stalk him. And … Covid.)

But recently, he finally made his first video! And the response was tremendous! That video got TEN TIMES the amount of feedback, comments and likes of their non-video posts.

And it reached almost 10x the number of people!

What’s he do? He texts me later that day and says, “that did really well! We should do more of it!”

Isn’t that what I’ve been telling you?

So really, do more video.

If you have any hesitations about including video as part of your social media strategy, I want to help! I have some great ideas of ways to make it easier.

Ask me in the comments or send me a message!