Want to make social media work better for you? Learn how to market your own business in an easy, fun way!
Tag: social media marketing
How often should you post on social media?
How often is the RIGHT number of times to post on social media?
3 ways to grow followers … for free
Without spending a ton on ads, how do you grow your following?
Here are some other ways to get more people to see your stuff so they know what you do and what makes you different.
How do I know if social media is working?
After spending a ton of time making posts for your business on social media,
have you ever wondered if this even works?
Is looking at metrics worth the time?
Looking at metrics regularly ALWAYS helps me find out what isn’t working on social media so we can do better.
What’s the difference between a testimonial and case study?
Do you know what’s way better than you talking about how good you are at what you do? Getting other people to talk about how good you are at what you do! Use testimonials and case studies to do that.
The answer to “what should I post on social media?”
“I don’t know what to post.” That’s probably one of the most common challenges for business owners when it comes to marketing on social media — or email or blog, for that matter.
5 Simple Steps to Creating Engaging Social Media Posts
I’ve come up with 5 Steps to Create Engaging Social Media Posts Every Time.
Sign up now to get the downloadable, reusable checklist to look at EVERY SINGLE TIME you share something on social media.
Online Learning Summit Starting This Week
Sign up for the free Transformational Online Learning Summit running from August 15 – 19.
This event brings together over 30 world-class experts who will share with you the best strategies for creating powerful online learning experiences.
The Difference Between a Case Study and a Testimonial
There’s nothing better than someone else saying you’re awesome instead of you trying to convince your audience that you’re awesome.