Bust the 3 Biggest Myths about Social Media on Aug. 31

social media marketing

Do you feel like social media is a waste of time for your business? That it doesn’t work for you? Or you don’t have the time to do all the things you need to do to find clients on social?

I find a lot of small business owners think getting it right on social media takes too much work, too much time, and maybe too much money.

But I also find those beliefs are rooted in misconceptions about what it takes for social media to be successful to a small business.

Come learn what these big myths are … and why they’re wrong.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

2 pm-3 pm Pacific time

What You’ll Get:

Opening your eyes to these myths will instantly show you how you can reach more people to help using social media — in far less time and simpler than you think.

You’ll learn 3 secrets that make social media so much more effective for your business, and more accessible and stress-free for you. So you can grow your business and get back to the parts of your life that light you up.

Who This is For:

Lots of small business owners struggle with marketing on social media – either not knowing what to post or posting a lot and not being sure if it’s bringing in revenue. Entrepreneurs don’t have to waste their time checking a box and not know if it’s helping them grow or reach their goals.

This is different than a lot of presentations on social media focus on the technical aspects, often on one platform. For example, how to set up your LinkedIn profile, using Google My Business, or tools that help you create graphics for social or schedule posts. All of those are helpful, for sure.

But I take a step back and look at some broader, unhelpful misconceptions — which are simple to illuminate — that stop so many amazing business owners from having an effective strategy on social media.

Join us and find out on August 31!