Sign up for the free Transformational Online Learning Summit running from August 15 – 19.
This event brings together over 30 world-class experts who will share with you the best strategies for creating powerful online learning experiences.
Sign up for the free Transformational Online Learning Summit running from August 15 – 19.
This event brings together over 30 world-class experts who will share with you the best strategies for creating powerful online learning experiences.
There’s nothing better than someone else saying you’re awesome instead of you trying to convince your audience that you’re awesome.
I bet you have lots of friends who own their own business. Here’s a bunch of easy ways you can help your friends who own businesses without spending a dime or taking much time.
Do you ever feel like social media is a waste of time for your business?
That’s often founded in 3 misconceptions about what it takes for social media to be successful.
Do you ever find yourself avoiding your social media? Then I think you may find this really helpful!
Here are some of my top responses to one of the most common questions I hear, which I bet you’ve asked yourself – how do I grow my following?
Do you feel like social media is a waste of time for your business?
What I’ve found is a lot of small business owners have beliefs rooted in misconceptions about what it takes for social media to be successful to a small business.
Come learn what these big myths are … and why they’re wrong.
It’s my birthday, and I always use this milestone as a time to think deep about where I am in my life. How far I’ve come and what I still want to achieve.
And one thing I’ve found myself thinking about a lot lately is, what’s my contribution to the world?
Do you know what’s way better than you talking about how good you are at what you do? Getting other people to talk about how good you are at what you do! That’s where testimonials and case studies help.
I’m sure you’ve heard a thousand times that video is more powerful – that the algorithm favors it and that our brains favor it. There are so many statistics showing how much video increases traffic and sales.
Here’s an example from my client who just had an experience that illustrates this really well.